Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad start for the day...

Here's a little something... So I wake you this morning not hungover, but still drunk. I gotta learn to stop drinking on the week days. And I'm all tried and my head is hurting because I didn't take any Advil the night before because I was out and too silly and or lazy to buy more the last time I was at the store. Killer beer fart are rolling out of my ass and I so just want to call in sick but I had stuff that need to be done at work so that's a 'no go'. Running late, I finally get dress and head to the door. I rip one last fart before stepping outside. As I'm locking my front door I smell something really, much worst than my farts. I look around and then down at my feet and there lay a pile of dog shit, right in the middle of my door mate. I of course responded in kind.


Don't know who the nasty bastard was who left it there, but man... if I ever catch them; the dog is as good as dead.

I try to think of who could have done this; my asshole drug dealing neighors? No, I don't think they have a dog or at least I've heard one. You can't really hide the fact that you have a dog. The only thing I can think of is that it's some early moring asshole walking the mut and he decided to fuck with me.

Next time I will be ready!

Had to get this off my chest so I can move on.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Updates and things

I've made some small adjustments in my life since the last time I ranted, and things are starting to look better or at least feel better. About a month ago I started wearing a tie to work which is odd in a casual dress work place. People only would wear ties if they had to be in a meeting with other people wearing ties, so when I started to wear one, people think I'm going to a meeting and would ask me what's the meeting about. I'd tell them that there's no meeting and then they ask why am I wearing a tie; "Just because..." I'd response, which trips them out.


So I fell off the wagon a bit and gained 5 pounds. It's took a month and a half but that's a lot of weight to put on, for me. I had stopped eating my veggies for some reason which is weird because I like veggies. The good news is that I finally found the pull up bar I was looking for. Now I can truly maximise my upper body work out, I'm looking forward to it. That with the veggies back in my regular diet will put me back on track.

Having a regular work out makes you learn things about your body that normally wouldn't show itself. Like how the whole right side of me is much weaker than the left. Do know why, it just is, I notice it most when doing push ups. Right side always wants to crap out first
As far a MILF named Val, I've given up, again. I know of no man that has escaped the 'friend zone' without coming onto a large sum of money. So if I have to play the friend role then I'm doing it on my terms; I call when I want to, burp and make other disgusting nosies and do all the other things I want to do just like with all my other friends. The problem with the 'friend zone' is dude's tend to stay in 'pussy pursuit' mode which fucks with your head. I've learned you've got to disengage that pussy and find a new target, never to case that pussy again unless it literately falls on your dick. Then you're good.

A bitter sweet part to this is that she is no longer working at the council. I'll miss seeing her round perky ass everyday, but I lease I can completely control my interaction with her, so if all of her 'issues' start to bug me, I can make an effortless back for it.


Primerica... My biggest personal failure and my biggest hope for the future. It all comes back to me. I am brain locked into doing all the time that keep me from reaching my goals. It's hard to change ones bad habits, at least all at once. I've seen major improvements in me and my daily habits that I know the I will make things work out the way they need to be. I'm getting better, it's merely the time it's taking which is way to long. Gonna keep pushing hard to get where I belong.


On a final weird note I'm trying online dating, again. Every summer I jump back on this horse until it pisses me off and I jump and want to shot it. This one is a little different in that it's one of those sex hook up sites. Yes, I've fallen that low but I figure it cost the same as porn and I may actually get laid, so why not.

Wish me luck!!