Monday, November 03, 2008

I hate my fuckin job! I've been at this rat nest for 10 fucking years! I feel like I'm doing time for a crime I didn't commit. I’m surrounded by backstabbing snakes, weasels and rat whores! If I don’t get off my ass and make the necessary moves to change my lot in life then I’m going to go crazy.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm sorry to hear that GB, you seem like a really easy guy to get along with.
I think you make a lot of people happy with what you make, I'm sorry the world is not responding in kind.
I completely agree with you on your DA site's picture bans; god knows I have seen things like Misty with just wearing her suspenders and no one reporting it.
I hope what I said helps even a bit.

-Mike :)